I don’t know of any manager or executive who hasn’t received that last-minute phone call asking if they can produce miracles. Matt Brabazon did just that, and simultaneously put $3.2 million in his company’s bank. At ViewPoint, we are always interested in how something gets accomplished. From my own experience, I also know that putting together a brand can take months, not hours, but not in the case of Matt Brabazon.
Here is the miracle that Matt created:
“Costco needed rice because they had run out. I was called and given 72 [hours] to put together a brand, the brand story, and all accompanying artwork that would allow our company (Pure Nature Foods) to put the product (rice) into the buyer’s hands, before my competitors were able to do so,” according to Matt. On top of that, “It was complicated by the fact that my company, Pure Foods, is a snack company, not a manufacturer or a commodity packing company.” Talk about pressure!
Matt alerted his executive team to a need at Costco for rice. “I contacted our sister company, Gluten Free Rice Mill, and was able to lock in our organic rice for the potential sale. Because my company Pure Nature Foods is a snack manufacturer, and not a commodity packing company, we had to move quickly to put together the project. I managed the Brand, Brand Story, Artwork, packaging materials, listing documents, GS1 set up, and the 1WorldSync set up,” Matt said.
I asked Matt how he did this so quickly. “I managed our graphic designer and walked her through the bag concept I had put together. I wrote a brand storyboard. I worked closely with our sister company to understand the labor and packaging costs involved to pack the rice. I worked directly with suppliers to get pricing, bag dimensions, and materials in line so we could finalize the project quickly. I was able to get quotes and timelines back from 3 suppliers within 48 hours of the RFQ. I assigned UPCs and finalized product set up in 1WorldSync and GS1. With all the needed items finalized, we were able to generate a mock-up bag and finalize all specifications needed to complete the listing documents. We were even able to finalize a sells marketing sheet for the brand to present to the buyer.”
Are you kidding me? All of this in 72 hours? Matt not only did this within a 72-hour period, but he also established the pricing parameters for the project.
He said, “The quick turnaround allowed us to submit the listing documents and be one of the first with a solution to the Costco Buyer. Being one of the submitters isn’t good enough because run-out doesn’t count. But it is always the bottom line that counts.”
Matt told me, “We were awarded a purchase order and commitment for a six-month supply of rice with an additional commitment for an additional 6 months.”
Matt’s efforts put $3.2 million on the books. In my opinion, this is nothing short of phenomenal. If you need a strategist and someone who can solve problems quickly and effectively, I’d suggest you contact Matt personally, as I’m sure he’d be glad to speak with you.
Contact Matt directly via LinkedIn, WebFolio, or email: [email protected]
Watch full video interview below
Fred Coon, CEO
ViewPoint© is a production of The US AT Work Network© and Stewart, Cooper & Coon, a Human Capital Strategies Corporation. Contact: Fred Coon – 866-883-4200, Ext. 200, for more information.
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