Ashok Palani: Streamlining Transactional Email Adds Revenue, Profits, and More Satisfied Customers

All of us have encountered frustrations caused by email design issues. This especially affected our guest, Senior Executive of Business Transformation, Ashok Palani, in a unique way. His company had a flawed and customer-frustrating transactional email experience that suffered from lack of business governance as well as incorrect, confusing, difficult-to-change messaging, and an inability to easily display customer purchases. His company also stated, “There are no funds to affect remedies.”

Ashok PalaniWhen asked how he approached the problem Ashok said, “I formed and directed a cross-functional group that managed to correct the messaging errors without any incremental budgeting and shortened template-development time tenfold. I then mapped all out-going emails including data source, means of content management, and the delivery engine. I developed a correction plan and secured multi-year funding, an annual budget of $3.25M and secured agreements for re-aligning to a proper governance roadmap. I then saw to the centralization of all transactional activity and portals onto a single platform. After a short period of time, I had my team verify the effectiveness of the solution design, and then we deployed the changes.”

Ashok delivered $14 million in IT savings, $2.2 million in incremental revenue, and $960,000 in customer-contact cost reductions. Simultaneously, the customer satisfaction scores improved by 25%.


Watch Full Video Interview Below.

Contact Ashok Palani via LinkedIn or his Career WebFolio.


Fred Coon, CEO

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