The Attorney General of the United States directed Dr. David Muhlhausen to create the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ new risk assessment tool to predict the probability of inmates recidivating on release from prison. Congress mandated that the Attorney General devise the tool within 210 days when the process normally took as many as two years to fully release a new risk assessment tool. Congress did not provide funds for the development.

David B. Muhlhausen, Senior Value Optimization Executive Director
Dr. Muhlhausen needed to reprioritize funding within the National Institute of Justice to pay for the project. He immediately realized the agency lacked the technical expertise to create the tool. Therefore, he researched, identified, and hired two nationally known experts to build the tool.
“I felt the best approach was to guide the process with hands-on involvement to address issues promptly and efficiently,” said Muhlhausen.
Dr. Muhlhausen rolled out the new risk assessment tool one day before the deadline, despite scrutiny and criticism. His actions cut 71% of product development time. Today, the tool is recognized as one of the most accurate risk assessment tools in the correction industry.
Watch video interview below.
Contact Dr. David Muhlhausen via LinkedIn or his Career WebFolio.
Fred Coon, CEO
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