Terry Arcuri joined the exploration team in 2012 as a senior exploration geologist. He quickly became a valuable team member working to identify and assess potential business opportunities for upcoming OCS lease sales. Based on team recommendations and partner negotiations, competitive bids were sent out on multiple high-value opportunities. He won a project award worth $4 million dollars.
After the lease was awarded, the primary team member responsible for this prospect and region retired. Terry was asked to assume responsibility for the project, the entire region with management of all its assets, in addition to his own preexisting portfolio. It was critical for this high-value prospect to be evaluated as quickly as possible to maximize any competitive advantage for the involved companies.

Terry Arcuri, Exploration / Geological Management Lead
Terry worked with team and industry experts to identify and remedy the major hurdles impacting the prospect timeline. “The main hinderance for this prospect was the existing seismic data being insufficient to address dominant technical risk factors or allow proper determination of the exploration well location. To this end, I initiated a focused reprocessing effort using state-of-the-art techniques. Also, I guided reprocessing efforts, liaised with vendors and partners to deliver the product ahead of schedule. The improved data allowed well drilling placement efforts to be completed and outstanding risks to be quantified, addressed and mitigated, when and where possible,” Arcuri said.
Upon completion of the seismic reprocessing, Terry managed the exploitation efforts required to evaluate this prospect through well completion. He worked with team petrophysicists, reservoir and well engineers, and government representatives to file and receive approval for all necessary documents and permits required to drill the exploration well. Terry managed communications, disseminated daily drilling updates, organized and lead meetings with vendors and partners during well operations. Once well operations terminated, Terry organized all final data, wrote the “End of Well” report, and provided all data to ensure regulatory compliance to government entities and partners.
“I was motivated. I also knew that flexibility to shepherd this challenging project to completion was the key to success. I was willing to listen to all points, incorporate disparate views, and use fit-for-purpose technology into this sensitive project.” Bottom-line? Terry guided reprocessing efforts, liaising with vendors and partners, and delivered the product ahead of schedule.
Upon completion of the seismic reprocessing, Terry managed the exploitation efforts required to evaluate this prospect through well completion. He worked with team petrophysicists, reservoir and well engineers, and government representatives to file and receive approval for all necessary documents and permits required to drill the exploration well. Terry managed communications, disseminated daily drilling updates, organized and lead meetings with vendors and partners during well operations. Once well operations terminated, Terry organized all final data, wrote the “End of Well” report, and provided all data to ensure regulatory compliance to government entities and partners.
“I was motivated. I also knew that flexibility to shepherd this challenging project to completion was the key to success. I was willing to listen to all points, incorporate disparate views, and use fit-for-purpose technology into this sensitive project.” Bottom-line? Terry guided reprocessing efforts, liaising with vendors and partners, and delivered the product ahead of schedule.
Watch full video interview below.
Contact Terry Arcuri via LinkedIn or his Career WebFolio.
Fred Coon, CEO
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