Forward-focused predictions of the impact of eventual COVID restrictions augured for significant reductions and some elimination of planned promotional expenditures. Stakeholders most affected by the changes objected strenuously and demanded verification of the forecasts justifying cancellations.
Experience with similar business disruptions in the past showed the response needed to focus on ensuring a successful return once the pandemic had subsided.

Judy Young, Strategic & Operational Effectiveness Senior Leader
“I leveraged the goodwill and trust established with industry stakeholders to gain acceptance of the cutbacks. I utilized the collective wisdom of my colleagues to make all of the changes as manageable as possible. I also Collaborated with influencers to calm fears and instill faith in a solid future. One big challenge was convincing the city to allocate $637,000 from the CARES subsidy and hotel-occupancy-tax (HOT) reserves to bridge the funding gap,” said Young. .
Judy Young’s approach to the pandemic with calm, care, and compassion led to the positive return as April revenue rose 52% and May rose 143%.
Watch full video interview below.
Contact Judy Young via LinkedIn or her Career WebFolio.
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