After joining the DoD contracting industry as an analyst, Bob Bevelacqua soon discovered that he had the ability to develop solutions to customer problems and socialize them into reality.

Bob Bevelacqua, Executive VP – Business Development & Operations
In 2003, he developed a concept to support coalition forces in Baghdad, Iraq, known as the Iraqi Advisor Task Force. His concept called for Iraqis to serve as advisors to Multi-National Corps-Iraq Commanders concerning political, social, cultural, religion, and economic related issues. “I secured this work as a 36-million-dollar sole source contract from the Pentagon which was the largest sole source award in the history of his company, SyColeman (L3. It was this award that launched my business development career,” said Bevelacqua.
Bob established and ran the Iraqi Advisor Task Force from 2004 to 2005, and upon returning home, was sent to several Shipley courses designed to groom him for his new role as a capture manager. Over the course of the next year, he developed and wrote solutions for proposals, conducted oral presentations, and secured over 700-million-dollars in new contract awards for L3. Since Bob was the solution architect for several of these awards, he was required to source, interview, and hire candidates and then deploy with them to Iraq to facilitate contract initiation. “It was a whirlwind career pattern where my actions and results catapulted me from analyst to program manager to direction and eventually vice president, inside eighteen months.”
For the past twenty years, while serving in the capacity of business development, Bob has secured well over 2 billion dollars in contract awards, the majority of which he personally wrote. His solutions focusing on operational techniques have impacted the Intelligence Community, Special Operations Forces, and Information Operations and Military Information Support Operations practitioners alike. He designed his own methodology for capture management which he teaches to his current company employees and throughout the DoD contracting industry resulting in higher PWins and contract awards.
Watch full video interview below.
Contact Bob Bevelacqua via LinkedIn or his Career WebFolio.
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