Aaron Chamberlain: Adding $2.5 Million+ to EBITDA Through Proactive Leadership

Bottom Line is what counts.  I want to share with you my interview with Aaron Chamberlain, who is a true “Manage By Walking Around” leader.  I asked Aaron to share a story about making an impact on bottom line. He said, “Around mid-year, my company decided to redesign their regional structure. In doing so, my region gained four additional offices. I conducted a financial review with each branch, paying close attention to the accounts receivable and area sales efforts. If I were to restructure the region it would require me to swiftly grasp both the expanded customer base and the accounting processes employed at each individual branch.

A.ChamberlainFirst, I worked with the local branch teams and the corporate accounting division by coaching the teams to take a more active role in the collection efforts.  By mentoring and introducing the local teams to the corporate support staff, the teams were well equipped to collect on the past due accounts for each office. Second, I needed to work with local sales teams to increase sales efforts in the area.  I went on ride along sales calls, reviewed sales reports and expanded their product knowledge on company offerings.  By the first quarterly sales review the teams had increased sales by $1 million sales dollars and adding ½ million EBITDA dollars. “

I asked Aaron about results and he said, “The restructure took place in the middle of Q2.  I did a financial review with the local teams at the end of Q3.  The second quarter numbers showed that the collection efforts had reduced the AR by $20,000 in one quarter and had added $1 million EBITDA dollars to the bottom line.  In the combined Q2 and Q3 the AR of the four offices showed a $40,000 reduction and the sales effort claimed a $2.5 million addition to EBITDA.”

What I liked about Aaron’s approach was the “Management By Walking Around (MBWA)” which, in my experience, works. Aaron Chamberlin is easy to talk to so if you would like to share your issues with him and have him share possible solutions with you, feel free to contact him.

Watch Full Video Interview Below

Contact Aaron via LinkedIn, Career WebFolio, or email [email protected]


Fred Coon, CEO

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