Sean Reilly: Creating an Investigative Team Adds New State Revenue

After being asked to form a new team to investigate construction crimes in New Jersey, there was no better man for the job than senior security director, Sean Reilly.

Sean developed the memorandum of understanding and organized a budget while also assembling and retaining a crack team that not only exposed fraud, but actually generated additional income for the state.

Here is what he had to say about the experience:

sean-reilly-209x300“I was sought out by the Commanding Officer of the Special Investigation Bureau to implement a new squad within the Business Integrity Unit. The Attorney General’s Office removed the responsibilities of conducting background investigations for contractors attempting to do work for the School Development Authority, SDA, and gave this responsibility to the New Jersey State Police, NJSP.

“Since I was the subject matter expert in conducting background checks for the New Jersey State Police, the Commanding Officer requested that I implement a Memorandum of Understanding, MOU, between the SDA and NJSP. I authored this document and retained three detective, 1 civilian analysis and three unmarked vehicles for the squad. The MOU had the SDA paying the NJSP five hundred thousand dollars each year for our services in conducting these investigations.

“The squad average 100 to 150 background investigations per month on companies that were applying to conduct school construction in the State of New Jersey. I developed a due diligence shell that the detectives’ utilized to investigate the prospective companies’ owners, partners and their families. The investigations also looked at their company and personal taxes for the past three years. While conducting these investigations, we were able to determine if the companies had any ties to organize crime families, and ties to terrorist groups by searching multiple platforms and data engines. We examined if the if the principal owner or any officers within the corporation had any prior criminal or financial convictions or liens and judgements against them.

“While I was the supervisor of this squad, we uncovered 100,000 in fraudulent bills from many contractors that facilitated change reports to their initial contract. When my detectives went out to the various sites, it was learned that many of these change reports were bogus and these changes were never performed. These companies overbilled the State of New Jersey for work that was never performed. This squad was developed under my leadership and they have identified over 1 million dollars’ worth of fraudulent charges to the State of New Jersey in the past ten years.”

View full video interview below.

Contact Sean via LinkedIn or his Career WebFolio.

Fred Coon, CEO

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