The Covid-19 Pandemic virtually stopped event-related activity, nationwide. Scott Amann was the SVP of Talent Business and Legal Affairs for his company. His company, like thousands across America, was put on hold. Scott was asked to mobilize the company’s legal team and medical staff to quickly research and develop a series of Covid protocols and procedures that would allow for the return to content production. “The effort became a lesson in teamwork, trust, allocation of responsibility and the ability to communicate in “one voice” in a real time manner to the company executive team,” Amann said.

“Probably the most important piece to the process from a management standpoint was the supervising, overseeing, and gathering accurate, easily digestible information that could be easily delivered to the executive team for decision making. Also, I was very pleased with my team’s creation of a simple executable series of Covid protocols and procedures. It was a challenge to balance the research issues, key resources, and to implement methodologies that would unify the team, and achieve a balance between resources and methodologies required to fully execute a plan.”
First, utilizing the strength of relationships within the department (i.e., government affairs and live event personnel) Scott Amann’s team got the company approved as an essential service provider in the states required to continue content production. Second, it then became apparent from an enormous amount of team research and collaborative discussion that the best available and most accurate form of Covid testing was PCR testing. A local medical lab was identified and quickly contracted by his team to turn results within a 24-hour time and a public venue was leased to provide the lab and its technicians as well as company personnel an easy, accessible location to undergo PCR testing.
With resources identified and a proper understanding of the testing methodologies available, the development of protocols and procedures by his team became rather easy to implement. The final issue however became the logistics of identifying the necessary company talent and staff needed to travel and be tested to produce the required weekly content for delivery. Technology became the quickest answer to best communicate on a timely basis.
Mr. Amann and his team then mobilized the IT department to develop a simple, online travel booking and test registration system allowing for real time communication between the company staff and personnel, the partners needed to perform the testing and the company legal and medical team. From there, the remainder of the protocols and procedures developed by his team handled the test results and implemented the isolation plans and medical support in the event of a positive Covid test.
In less than 60 days after the pandemic hit, and due to the direct efforts of Scott Amann and his tireless team, the company was up and running in a medically safe environment, delivering new content to its broadcast partners. As a result of the protocols and procedures implemented by Mr. Amann’s team, the percentage of Covid cases were greatly minimized and the company was allowed to continue to deliver content in a timely manner. “The company was one of the few media and entertainment companies to deliver new broadcast content during the early stages of the Covid pandemic.
“I was honored and pleased to have been able to direct this success, but I also wish to clearly acknowledge the tireless efforts and abilities of the legal and medical teams to mobilize so quickly and in an efficient and effective manner so that our company was positioned to successfully manage this challenge”, said Amann.
View Full Video Interview Below
Contact Scott Amann via LinkedIn or his Career WebFolio.
Fred Coon, CEO
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