Lorts Manufacturing found itself in a stagnant market segment of higher end, custom, domestic furniture. During the boom time of the early to mid-2000’s, the high-end furniture market in the US was growing at an incredible rate. Easy access to low priced 1st and 2nd mortgages fueled the growth with cash flowing.  The economic crash
Clayton Huber, the General Manager of Commercial Plumbing and HVAC at a pump manufacturer, was tasked with finding a way to lower the cost of making base plates. The following is his experience and the outcome that ensued: “Success of adding automation to some of the welding processes relied on standardizing the design of primary components

Video Conversation with Fred Coon  (View Below) Just the other day, I was speaking with Nick Siefers about manufacturing production issues. He shared a unique situation that he had solved, and I want to share that with you. Throughout both of our careers, we have encountered this very problem.  Nick said, “The startup firm was

Nick Siefers: Lean Concepts Yield $250,000 Savings