Termination of the licensing agreement authorizing marketing of one of the company’s premier products loomed near. However, the licensor was refusing to extend the term intending instead to appropriate the business. With the availability window rapidly closing, replacing the supplier became a necessity to avoid a no-stock situation.  David Mashaal, a US/INTL negotiation expert, sourced
Michael Ray is a change management, result-focused, operations leader who introduced innovative approaches to a perplexing retail challenge which resulted in extremely high profits and improvements that stood the test of time. Here is his story: The company’s resort stores in Florida, Arizona, and California were underperforming in the areas of average stores sales, comparative
The following summary outlines, Senior Client Strategist & Growth Strategy Executive, Victor Sirgado’s strategy for swift industry growth. (Scroll down for full video interview with host, Fred Coon SC&C CEO.) The Opportunity:   Healthcare providers and hospitals essentially did not advertise prior to 1977. Not surprisingly, it was the legal profession itself that championed the issue
Marketing is about people, especially in LATAM markets. People are affected by their affinity groups (types of groups – grandmothers, teenagers, etc. – that are buying certain products for reasons not necessarily aligned with a specific demographic), consumer behavior, values, beliefs, and cultures.  The way they express themselves can change the way they buy. Robert
When Caroline Keros was given the job of Sales and Marketing Director, her company had a 2020 goal to achieve less than 5-10% churn for current customers. Given a global customer base of less than 50, Caroline was told that maintaining a strong relationship with every customer was extremely important. Previously, contact with customers was