The founder and owner of the business ran the organization as a “one-man show” making all important decisions and limiting growth to what a single person could manage. When the omnibus leader unexpectedly died, clients, employees, and new shareholders needed convincing evidence that the company would survive. The company needed a survival plan.  “I realized
According to the Harvard Business Review, resiliency is defined as “the ability to recover from setbacks, adapt well to change, and keep going in the face of adversity.”[1]  Valerie El-Jamil, a senior coach with the Human Capital Strategies Firm, Stewart, Cooper & Coon, said the focus is on dealing with a situation and moving forward.
Video Conversation with Fred Coon  (View Below) The answer: Quick action, creative problem-solving, innovation, motivating cross agency teams and plain old hard work by Ron Lacey. In speaking with Ron Lacey recently, we were discussing a problem where his corporate leadership could not specifically identify causes for not achieving profitability.  His CFO asked Ron to