I constantly come across great stories where competing issues create unbelievable pressure for all involved. Nelson Oliveros knows this all too well. Nelson was assigned overall-oversight safety management for 4 mature oil fields encompassing 2,600 wells, and a value of 1.2 billion barrels of oil. “I was asked to support the uplifting of production and
Nelson Oliveros: Production increase (150%) On 40-year Old Equipment with 1.2 Billion Barrels of Oil At Stake
Matt Brabazon: Create a Brand Concept in 72-hours or Lose a $3.2 Million Sale – Matt Brabazon did this, and much more…
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Video Conversation with Fred Coon (View Below) Steve Waller achieved his goal by simultaneously expanding company position and recognition as a national lender in the banking and automotive sectors, and more. I wanted to learn how Steve approached solving this very complex financial and restructuring issue. I think his solutions are outstanding. Let’s start from
Steve Waller: $1 Million SG&A Expense CUT, and Unhappy 20+ Year/$2 Billion Fortune 400 Client SAVED!
Video Conversation with Fred Coon (View Below) Just the other day, I was speaking with Nick Siefers about manufacturing production issues. He shared a unique situation that he had solved, and I want to share that with you. Throughout both of our careers, we have encountered this very problem. Nick said, “The startup firm was
Nick Siefers: Lean Concepts Yield $250,000 Savings
Ron Lacey: $35M Loss to $4M Profit and 48% Gross Margin Increase. HOW?
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It doesn’t have to be expensive, at least according to Del Winn. I recently spoke with Dell, a global expansion coach, business leader, complex problem solver, and international deal-making attorney, who really can solve complex manufacturing and sales expansion problems. Del was asked to accompany InterDigital Communications Corporation’s salesman to Nanjing, China to negotiate a
Del Winn: Wireless Digital Equipment & Global Expansion
Video Conversation with Fred Coon (View Below) Digital transformation expert, Ryan Raymer and I were discussing how many private and non-profit companies are now facing a revenue crisis, and how many are not equipped to manage such an event, especially during the current COVID19 crisis. Allow me to me share an important part of our
Ryan Raymer: Reversing Revenue Decline During Crisis with Digital-Based Solutions
Because change is constant, those who work in Human Resources sometimes face frustration and even professional isolation. After all, human nature shows that people tend to resist change, and HR professionals encounter this on a daily basis. I was discussing the issue at lunch with Human Resources Manager, HR Business Partner and Director, Judy Garza
Judy Garza: How HR Workers Can Help Employees Embrace Change
Poor management decisions impacting policy and company performance, as well as serious safety issues were threatening an upcoming contract renewal and eroding a company’s reputation. These were only a few of the problems facing Ken Walker, Senior Nuclear Management Consultant, when he was asked by the BOD of a contractor company to fix the issues,
Ken Walker: Achieving the Highest Level of Performance in Complex Organizations
The other day I had lunch with Tim Maloney, a real supply chain development expert. Our conversation led to the trade war with China. All of us know that the world is becoming a smaller place with every passing day. International events including import tariffs, Hong Kong riots, the human rights atrocities in Xinjiang, China
Tim Maloney: Supply Chain Diversification and the Current State of International Trade